
We are rebooting this system. Log off now. RSS/JSONP feeds in Dynamic Workload Console

Add this code to /opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile/registry/TdwcGlobalSettings.xml

  <property name="FeedURL" value="" />
  <property name="FeedType" value="RSS" />
  <property name="PollInterval" value="3600" />

Now you see a lightbulb when I add new articles to this blog.


Quick tip: Using the cpuinfo command

Want to ssh to one of your Workload Scheduler agents, but don't remember the nodename or hostname? Or, you know the name, but workstation name is much shorter? Try this:

ssh $(cpuinfo agent2 node)

The cpuinfo command reveals information that Workload Scheduler knows about the computer assigned to the workstation (nee CPU) definition you choose. When you run cpuinfo with only the workstation name, you see text similar to the following output.


Event rules for things that don't have built-in event triggers

We saw this question on one of the online Workload Scheduler forums recently.

Is anyone aware of a way to set up a rule to send an e-mail when a workstation fence is > 0?  I know there are no event specifically for this, however if anyone can think of a way to accomplish this, I would appreciate it.

Solving the problem (alerting when specific supplied event triggers do not exist) involves a few preliminary steps.


Report expired calendars in Workload Scheduler

Sometimes your IBM Workload Scheduler job streams suddenly quit running. Maybe it's because the calendars that are used to schedule them have no future dates in them.

This short shell script (run as the "tws user") shows a list of calendars that have no future days, the last date contained in the calendar, and which job streams refer to the calendar.


Workload Scheduler power users: You need rlwrap

If you use the Linux shell very much, you find its history functions very useful. You can recall previous commands very easily, just using the arrow keys.
If you use the Workload Scheduler command-line interfaces, conman and composer, you really miss the history. Sure there's the redo command, but its editing capability is limited to the last command you typed.
